Saturday, May 8, 2010

Civil 3D Bugs In 2008

What’s Bugging You About 2008?
On June 1, 2007, in 2008, by James Wedding, P.E. .Since someone asked for a bug list, this is our list of bugs/annoyances. We will attempt to keep it updated, and cross things off as they’re addressed. Add your own, but if your comment is pure wishlist, consider it Husky fodder. Read ‘em and weep after the jump.

Updated for SP1 on July 24th, 2007

1.Copying a corridor creates a series of gapped subassemblies that must have their offsets removed to work normally
2.Undo during a layout profile returns to the first PVI, not the last one drawn
3.Undo in Alignments does the same thing
4.Parcel labels are still wonky and finicky. Some fixes applied.
5.Grading with two PIs VERY close together results in unexpected results Sort of.
6.Expressions don’t come forward with reference text. Some cases.
7.Pipe networks cannot be connected. I know, as designed, but you give me a tool that makes Network from Object, but no tool to merge networks? That’s at least a major annoyance.
8.Feature lines don’t respect transition when input with elevation, only grade
9.Dialogs are still mismatched, resizable in some cases, not in others. Can’t be done in an SP. Fair enough.
10.Set Grade Between Points only works in one direction in a closed polyline (it won’t just the End/Begin PI to set a grade)
11.Partbuilder is still too difficult for most users (OK, so this one is pushing it…)
12.Plan Production sheets require odd null band to set views properly
13.Reversing a siteless closed alignment causes the magic parcel to appear.
14.Removing TIN lines no longer accepts the default acad selection methods (but it does let you type in CP, etc.)
15.Updating a surface doesn’t update contour labels. They have to be touched to get them to update. From Dave Dixon
16.Station Elevation Transparent commands aren’t happy about trying to start at 0+00 if the view range starts at 0+00.
17.Creating a quick profile from a closed feature line makes the magic parcel appear.
18.Grade between points cannot be set across the end-begin of a feature line, i.e. set grade between points won’t wrap around the FL.
19.Creating an alignment, then Data Referencing it into another drawing to tag and table, and Xrefing that drawing into a third drawing winds up with a broken table. (Yeah, it’s convoluted, but it’s still broken.)
20.You cannot create a pipe network from objects and use pipes only. Meaning: unlike 2007, you cannot make a null structure only pipe network using the Pipe Network from Object command.
21.Alignment line/curve/segment tables created from choosing individual tags/labels become empty upon save/open. In order to get them to stick you must choose either the label styles or do them “by alignment.”
22.Corridors with “bowties” or overlapping links will make invalid boundary definitions when using the interactive boundary tool. Such corridors will also code-set-render poorly due to boundary identity problems. As designed….
23.Point Group Layer options appear in prospector, but are meaningless left-overs from the point group layer days and do not work. Harmless. Next version maybe?
24.Point tables disappear after Export to Acad.
25.With the new modeless toolbar in the alignment editor, if you’re creating an alignment by layout and go up to the toolbar to change the curve settings (i.e. change a radius), it kicks you out of the alignment by layout – you have to add on to the alignment.
26.Custom expressions inside of a label will work correctly on a pipe, but on the next pipe (same network) will display ????.
27.In the profile pipe labels, if you set Dragged State Components “Display” to “As Displayed”, the pipe label can only be moved along the pipe’s axis. The label cannot be moved vertically above or below the pipe. Changing the “Display” back to “Stacked Text” and setting the Leader “Visibility = False” almost solves the problem except that the pipe label is no longer oriented along the pipe’s axis.
28.If you open the Survey Database with VBA code you will see a Map Dialog box which has to be closed. It then opens again and you have to close it again before you code continues to run.
29.FE occurs if you try to select all points and go to ‘lock points’
30.Pipe to pipe connection cleanup only seems to work when you create a network of pipes only. With that, the null structures it creates at pipe junctions aren’t moveable and swapping parts doesn’t help. And the cleanup masking isn’t always neat and tidy when you have different pipe sizes.
Two comments on this list that have come to me via other channels.

1.Some of this stuff is “As Designed.” meaning it works exactly like the Product Developer wrote it. That doesn’t mean it’s designed as it should be. So yeah, some of these are my wishlist items. For the sake of avoiding semantics, we’ll call bad design a bug, so these will stay on the list.
2.I won’t be adding any issues that are Acad core related (i.e. Annotative text issues.) I don’t think the guys in San Rafael read this blog often, but the guys in MHT occasionally do. I’m not going to harass them with issues they have no control over.
Just for the record, not ONE of these is what I would consider a showstopper. They’re bugs, annoyance, etc. and everyone of them is generally negated by the improvements in Vault, in Corridor speed, in Acad in general. Add yours in the comments, and I’ll add them to this list. Remember, no wishes!

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